Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The World's longest gingerbread train at the Oslo Central Station!

At the Oslo Central Station, the Norwegian rail company NSB invited Oslo locals and visitors to build the world's longest gingerbread train. Schools and kindergartens from Oslo made their own carriage. It has been very popular and the gingerbread train was 206 meter and 617 carriages together. It was extremely cool to see this special event at the Central Station in Oslo! And NSB raised also money for charity! Cool, don't you think?  

look! We made our own carriage with the VisitOSLO logo!

My good colleague Rebecca.

 Guinness Record Book registered the Oslo gingerbread train as the world longest.

Here you can see people decorating their carriage!

Merry Christmas everybody!

Monday, December 5, 2011

One day at the Norwegian Museum of Science & Technology

In the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology you have many options on what to do and see. It’s smart to have good time, because the museum has a lot to offer and it's a very big museum. They have themes like technology, industry, science and medicine. They also have over 20 permanent and temporary exhibitions about energy, oil, industry, medicine, airplanes, cars and trains. Something for all the tastes. At the moment they have an exhibition called “Mind Gap”. This exhibition was very interesting, because you can get to see different brains and installations. A work of art by the artist Robert Wilson. The coolest thing was in the first step of the exhibition, because the walls, roof and floor were in glass and it was very cool, and maybe a bit funny. Watch where you go!

I enjoyed the museum, even if it was not my first visit, as this attraction is a very popular place for schools in Norway. All the Norwegian students of all ages have been there.

Entrance door for the exciting "Mind Gap" exhibition

Look! Quite cool? Watch where you go...

Real brains!

Installation with trees and technology, a cool mix.

You can touch it and feel the energy!

A flying ball, nice experiment! 

I think this bicycle was amazing!

You can actually see a real plane inside the museum. Unbelievable!

Here you have a train model that you can see running with a few coins.

Here you have the store by the information desk to the museum.
They have a lot of funny things there, especially for children.

In conclusion, the Norwegian Museum of Science & Technology is absolutely worth a visit! I also enjoyed the bus run from the city center to Kjelsås (but you can also take the train from Oslo S!), and on the way back I decided to walk along the river Akerselva in order to discover a very interesting part of Oslo, with industrial history and nature. Recommended!

Monday, November 28, 2011

My first visit at the Football Museum

I’m not the type of girl that is extremely interested in football, but of course I was curious about what the Football museum here in Oslo had to offer. I was actually very positive surprised. The museum was both interesting and fun at the same time. Here you can learn everything about the Norwegian football history, also the great International victories of the Ladies' Norwegian national team. You can see different football t-shirts, shoes, medals and more memorabilia. You can also play FIFA and table football, sounds fun right? I think so! All visitors are offered a guided tour around the stadium. 

You will get the chance to see the Ullevaal stadium, try to sit on the seat used by the Norwegian King when he is attending football matches like the Cup Final, the players tunnel and the dressing room. There are guided tours in Norwegian and English every 45 minutes until the closing time, which I think it's a very good offer to experience Norwegian history from a "football point of view"!  

Here you can see Ullevål Stadium, the biggest stadium in Norway.

This is a LEGO model of the Ullevaal Stadium. I think this was one of the coolest thing there. So creative!

Drillo (the Norwegian national team manager) used this boots in his first match.

They  have a new exhibition “The dream of Premier league”. Here can you see Norwegian
football players in English football

Look! I'm sitting in the exactly same seat that the King of Norway is sitting on when he attends a match.

This is the wardrobe used by the Norwegian national team.

The grass was still green during my visit in November, quite unusual!

By the way, I will post more on my visits to attractions and nice places in Oslo, stay tuned! :-)

Check my tweets if you have time: @OsloMariBlogg